Three of four different colour bags (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue) are selected by three audience members, leaving one bag unchosen.
Each bag contains a choice they may make in their life and a reward for making that choice. The one bag not chosen will end up being the ultimate choice. The unchosen bag, contains the ultimate choice and the message inside reads: You have chosen to Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. The reward for anyone making that choice is eternal life.
A person may make all three of the first choices and find many rewards in life, but unless you make that ultimate choice of accepting Jesus as your personal Saviour, it will all be for nothing in the end. To choose Christ as one's personal Saviour is just that, the ultimate and personal choice that needs to be made by each individual. If you have not made that choice in your life, don't delay another moment, make that ultimate choice now.
Includes full instructions, complete Gospel routine and all props required.